I was surfing here and there and stumbled upon a nice travel blog
It was really nice and very informative...now it got me inspired to start up blogging again and see where I would end up. LOL
No but seriously, I have now just realised, I think I want to become a travel writer. I could be joking! but why not! I want to travel and I want to write stuff as well. Isn't it like just writing in your diary and pouring all your thought into it?
I've scanned just a few site about travel writing. Maybe, simple blog writing is okay and not really stressing but, to write and earn money might not be too easy at all. I was reading a site suggesting about a travel writer course. Woah! It's more that 300 dollars I think...no i'm not taking it...haha!
But really, how is that to be able to travel here and there and earn as well. I think that's the most exciting career
Anyway, I'm just raving about my excitement for the holidays and taking an overseas trip next year to Thailand. Yes! I just can't wait and here I am again...I think I am gonna write next about how I planned about this trip. And it's kinda crazy and very addicting.